Arthritis is a common condition that causes pain and inflammation in a joint.
Restorative Yoga for Aching Joints - Yoga for Arthritis (16 minutes - Yoga with Kassandra)
Not all recipes are nutritionally perfect, but the options below are a great way to start incorporating beneficial foods into your diet in delicious ways. Always try to buy organic, and feel free to make substitutions to accommodate gluten-free, vegan, etc diets.
- Fruits: Apples, avocado, blueberries, cherries, grapes, lemons, mangoes, papayas, pears, pineapple, melons, strawberries.
- Vegetables: Artichokes, asparagus, beets, bok choy, broccoli, cabbage, carrots, cauliflower, celery, cucumber, leeks, lettuce, onions, seaweed/kelp, turnips, watercress.
- Fish (especially cod, salmon, mackerel, sardines, trout, tuna), omega-3 eggs, yogurt and flax oil.
- Beans, peas, olive oil, flaxseed oil, whole grains, nuts (especially almonds), seeds (especially flax, pumpkin, sesame, sunflower), black-strap molasses.
- Caraway, cardamom, cilantro, cinnamon, fennel, garlic, ginger, horseradish, mustard, nutmeg, rosemary, turmeric, shiitake and reishi mushrooms
- Green superfoods: Blue-green algae, spirulina, chlorella, barley, wheat grass, alfalfa grass
- Alcohol, coffee and salty foods,
- Vegetable oils and fatty beef/pork.
- Rhubarb, cranberries, plums, spinach, Swiss chard, beet greens, shellfish, paprika
- Nightshades: tomatoes, potatoes, eggplant, bell peppers
- Can be related to food intolerance - try an ELIMINATION DIET. (Most common food sensitivities for those with arthritis are meat, dairy, sugar, gluten, processed foods, tomatoes, white potatoes, peppers and eggplant).
- Basil, bergamot, birch, black pepper, cedarwood, celery seed, clove, cypress, eucalyptus, fir, geranium, ginger, helichrysum, hyssop, lavender, lemon, marjoram, nutmeg, peppermint, pine, Roman chamomile, rosemary, spruce, thyme, valerian, vetiver, white fir, wintergreen (on location, bottom of feet, and diffuse).
- Alfalfa, birch (tea or poultice), black cohosh, borage, boswellia, buchu, burdock, cardamom, cayenne, celery seed, cilantro/coriander, cinnamon, dandelion, echinacea, eucalyptus, evening primrose, fennel, feverfew, German chamomile, ginger, goldenrod, gotu kola, kudzu, lemon balm, meadowsweet, milk thistle, mullein, noni, rosemary, sarsparilla, St. Johns Wort, stinging nettle, turmeric, white willow, yellow dock
- Primrose tea
- Ointments/creams/poultices containing arnica, cayenne, comfrey, juniper, slippery elm, turmeric.
- Hot herbal massage oils, creams and poultices: products made from chili, ginger, mustard, and black pepper will encourage blood flow to area and warm cold joints. Use in moderation as can cause skin blistering, and don't ever apply pure oils directly to the skin. (If using for Rheumatoid Arthritis, cool the product before applying).
- 1 teaspoon comfrey tincture with 4 tablespoons honey - heat mixture. Soak a thick cloth with solution and apply to affected area. Leave overnight if possible.
- Chlorophyll/ Blue-green algae
- Regular gentle exercise (swimming, stretching, walking)
- Try a cornmeal or local mud/clay poultice on location.
- Add 2 Tablespoons cream of tartar and 3 Tablespoons Epsom salt to bath water and soak for 30 minutes daily.
- Apple cider vinegar bath (1 1/2 cups) - don't miss more than 2 nights in a row.
- Garlic poultice: chop 2 cloves raw garlic and soak it in 1 cup of warmed olive oil for 5 minutes. Fill the toe of a sock with mixture and rub the poultice over affected area.
- Drink pure, untreated apple cider daily.
- Mix 3 ounces of fresh celery juice (from leaves and stalks) and 3 ounces of fresh carrot juice and drink daily.
- A shot of Montmorency cherry juice daily.
- 1 teaspoon vinegar (or apple cider vinegar) and 1 teaspoon honey in a glass of water 2-4 times daily.
- 2 tablespoons gelatin in a glass of orange juice. Do not heat. Drink once daily.
- Mix 2 pounds Epsom salt, 1 dozen lemons (sliced), and 1 Tablespoon cream of tartar in a gallon jug and fill with warm water. Let sit 3 days. Shake well and take 2 oz twice daily. (1 oz if it causes diarrhea).
- Rub sore joints with sesame oil.
- Collagen
Restorative Yoga for Aching Joints - Yoga for Arthritis (16 minutes - Yoga with Kassandra)
- Arthritis Alleviating Yoga Routine (23 minutes - Yogea Yoga)
- Chair Yoga Sequence For Arthritis, Injuries & Mobility Issues! (24 minutes - Julie Cerrone Croner)
- Chair Yoga: Joint Freeing Sequence: Pain Relief (18 minutes - Laura Goellner)
- ASU (Avocado-soybean unsaponifiables): 300 mg daily
- Black Current Seed Oil: 10 g daily
- Borage Oil: 1400 mg daily
- Boron: 6 mg daily (for up to 2 months)
- Boswellia: 300 mg daily
- Cat's Claw: 250 mg extract twice daily (take between meals, don't use if pregnant)
- Chondroitin: 400 mg chondroitin sulfate 3 times daily
- Devil's Claw: 2.6 g daily
- Evening Primrose Oil: 1,000 mg 3 times daily (can substitute 1,000 mg borage oil once daily)
- Fish Oils (Omega-3): 2,000 mg 3 times daily (check with doctor if taking anticoagulant drugs)
- GLA (Gamma-linolenic acid): 1-2 g daily
- Ginger: 100-300 mg 3 times daily (should contain gingerols)
- Glucosamine: 500 mg glucosamine sulfate 3 times daily (with food)
- Magnesium: At least 200-300 mg daily
- Niacinamide (B3): 1,000 mg 3 times daily (high doses can cause liver damage; physician monitoring is necessary)
- Pantothenic Acid (B5): 1,000 - 2,000 mg daily
- SAM-e: 400 mg twice daily for 2 weeks, then 200 mg twice daily as maintenance dose (may have mild gastrointestinal side effects. should not be taken by people with manic-depressive illness)
- Sea Cucumber: 1,000 mg daily (also known as beche-de-mer)
- Vitamin C: 1,000 mg 3 times daily (reduce if it causes diarrhea)
- Vitamin D: 400 IU daily may help slow progression of osteo-arthritis of the Knee (taking more than 1,000 IU daily can be toxic)
- Vitamin E: 400 IU twice daily (check with doctor if taking anticoagulant drugs)
- Zinc/ Copper: 30 mg zinc twice daily (add 2 mg copper twice daily when using zinc longer than 1 month)
- Apis Mellifica 6c: 1 dose 3 times daily for up to 2 weeks
- Belladonna 6c: 1 dose daily for 2 weeks
- Bryonia 6c: 1 dose 3 times daily for up to 2 weeks
- Ledum 6c: 1 dose 4 times daily for 2 weeks
- Pulsatilla 6c: 1 dose 3 times daily for up to 2 weeks
- Rhus Toxicodendron 6c: 1 dose 3 times daily for 2 weeks
- Ruta Graveolens 6c: 1 dose 3 times daily for up to 2 weeks
- Can represent spiritual isolation - a sense of meaninglessness tied to spiritual emptiness. Try to start a meditation/prayer practice daily.
- Can also represent an abundance of resentment and bitterness.
- Can also represent bottled-up pain/hurt and/or feeling unloved/unappreciated.
- Arthritis in the fingers can represent a desire to blame or punish someone or feelings of victimization.
- Rheumatoid Arthritis can represent a strong aversion of authority.
Not all recipes are nutritionally perfect, but the options below are a great way to start incorporating beneficial foods into your diet in delicious ways. Always try to buy organic, and feel free to make substitutions to accommodate gluten-free, vegan, etc diets.
Abbreviation Definitions:
LC = Low Calorie (under 400 for breakfast, 600 for lunch/dinner, and 200 for beverages/sides/snacks)
GF = Gluten Free
KT = Keto / Low Carb
VG = Vegan
VT = Vegetarian
LC = Low Calorie (under 400 for breakfast, 600 for lunch/dinner, and 200 for beverages/sides/snacks)
GF = Gluten Free
KT = Keto / Low Carb
VG = Vegan
VT = Vegetarian