Celery Seed
Buy Celery Seed
Scientific Name: Apium graveolens
Parts Used: Seeds
Healing Properties:
How to Use:
Grow/Harvest Yourself:
Scientific Name: Apium graveolens
Parts Used: Seeds
- Do not use celery seeds if pregnant
- May cause skin irritation in sensitive people
Healing Properties:
- Antioxidant, anti-rheumatic, antiseptic, antispasmodic, hepatic, stimulant, tonic.
- Relieves muscle spasms and can increase the flow of breast milk.
- May help with arthritis, bloating, bronchitis, cystitis, flatulence, insomnia, swollen glands.
- Can also be helpful for gout, hemorrhoids, indigestion, jaundice, lymphatic drainage, sexual problems.
- Can be used for muscle spasms, kidney stones, UTI's.
How to Use:
- Add dried seeds to foods or beverages.
- Tea/Infusion (best consumed immediately, but can be stored in the fridge for up to 48 hours):
- Cover 1 teaspoon dried seeds with boiling water. Let steep for 5-10 minutes. Drain & drink.
- Syrup (Can be stored longer - up to 2 weeks in the fridge, or frozen indefinitely):
- Make 2 cups of the tea. Add to cast iron or stainless-steel pan. Add 2 cups sugar or honey and heat the mixture on med-low heat until the sugar/honey is dissolved and it thickens into a light syrup. Remove from heat and let it cool. Store in a glass bottle (cork top, not screw, because syrups can ferment and explode if sealed too tightly). Take in 1-2 teaspoon doses every 3-4 hours.
- Tincture (Can be stored longer - generally last for 2+ years and some say potency increases with age):
- Add 2 cups water to 1 quart of vodka or rum that is approximately 37.5% alcohol). Put this in a clean bottle, clearly labeled (not all will be used for the tincture and you can use the remaining for additional batches). Put 1/4 pound of dried herb into a large wide-mouthed glass jar. Add 2 cups of the diluted alcohol mixture to the jar, screw lid on tight and shake well. Leave jar in a cool dark place for 2 weeks, shaking well every couple of days. After 2 weeks, strain the mixture and store the liquid in a clean, dark glass bottle. Add 1/2 - 1 teaspoon tincture to juice or warm water 3-4 times daily.
- Ointments/Creams:
- Ointment (use when needing to protect and seal the skin): Melt 1/2 pound lard or vaseline in a saucepan over very low heat. Add 3 Tablespoons of dried herb and stir well. Heat for about 2 hours or until herb is starting to get crispy. Strain into glass ointment jars and store in a cool dry place. This should last about a year if all equipment is clean/sterile.
- Cream (use when you want the mixture absorbed by the skin): Use a large double boiler. Fill lower pan with water and put 1.5 Tablespoons white beeswax and 1.5 Tablespoons anhydrous lanolin into the top pan. Heat until melted and add 1/2 cup of base oil (sunflower or similar), 6 Tablespoons water and 2 Tablespoons glycerol. Heat until fully melted again. Add 3 Tablespoons dried herb and heat for at least 3 hours (check water level of bottom pan often and add boiling water as needed). After 3 hours, pour the hot mixture through a strainer (quickly, as it will begin to re-solidify). Stir cream gently until it cools. Store in small dark glass jars and use as needed. This should last about a year if all equipment is clean/sterile.
- Oil Infusions (Can be stored longer - generally will last for at least a year, often longer):
- Hot Infusion: Use a large double boiler. Fill lower pan with water and put 1/4 pound dried herb (or 1/3 pound fresh) and 2 cups of base oil (sunflower or similar) to the top pan. Heat on medium-low heat for 3 hours (check water level of bottom pan often and add boiling water as needed). Strain the oil into a pitcher. Cool completely, then pour oil into glass bottles and store in a cool dark place.
- Cold Infusion: Pack a medium sized jar with dried or fresh herb (1 inch from the top). Cover herb with safflower or walnut oil. Leave the jar in a sunny indoor location for at least 3 weeks. Strain the mixture and repeat process again using more herb and the oil from the first infusion. Leave it in a sunny indoor location again for an additional 2-3 weeks. Strain the oil again, place in glass bottles and store in a cool dark place.
- Hot Infusion: Use a large double boiler. Fill lower pan with water and put 1/4 pound dried herb (or 1/3 pound fresh) and 2 cups of base oil (sunflower or similar) to the top pan. Heat on medium-low heat for 3 hours (check water level of bottom pan often and add boiling water as needed). Strain the oil into a pitcher. Cool completely, then pour oil into glass bottles and store in a cool dark place.
- Compress: Soak a cotton ball or gauze in hot tea/infusion or tincture (4 teaspoons tincture to 2 cups hot water) and apply to area affected. Note: it may be beneficial to use a cold compress instead, for some types of headaches for example).
- Poultice: Use a cotton ball or piece of gauze about 3 times the size of the area needing treatment. Fold in fresh or dried herbs and place it in a shallow dish. Pour boiling water on it and soak for 5 minutes. Remove poultice from water and place on affected area. Replace when it cools (or put a heating pad on top to keep warm).
Grow/Harvest Yourself:
- Buy Celery Seeds
- Celery seeds cannot be harvested until the 2nd year (when the plant flowers). You can harvest the celery stalks while you wait, just don't take the middle/central stalk, which is where the flower will be forming. On year 2, the plant will flower. When done flowering, the ovary/pod will begin to swell - this is where the seeds are. Wait until the seeds are dry and tan/brownish in color before harvesting.
- Zone: 2-10
- Soil pH: Neutral
- Moist, well-drained, nutrient-rich soil
- Full sun